Data science is a key skill that is becoming more necessary day after day. As a student, you’ll likely want to add this skill to your resume to help you stand out from the crowd when applying for various positions. However, when learning data science for the first time, you are likely to face some challenges. The most common one is finding learning sources that offer curated information.
Did you know that successful people read a lot? Books are a great way to learn and are usually structured in such a way that you know exactly where you’ll be by the time you’re done. However, if you were to look on the internet, you would find that there are numerous books online on the topic of Data Science. This article discusses 7 of the best books you should read as a student learning about Data Science.
7 of the Best Data Science Books For Every Student

Here are 7 data science books you will likely enjoy reading as a student:
Head First Statistics: A Brain-Friendly Guide
Generally, books from Head First are known for how user-friendly their content is. Most readers find the tone of their books to be conversational, so you might want to consider this book if you are just starting with data science. When learning data science, you need all the help you can get, and the same can be said about paper writing. If you’re a college student, chances are you have googled “write research paper for me” at least once, so I’m sure you’d appreciate the fact the internet can provide quality writers that will deliver on time. Help with your data science studies is something you should consider early on.
The book “Head First Statistics: A Brain-Friendly Guide” can give you some great tips. It does a decent job of covering the basics of statistics, which is the foundation on which data science is built. You’ll learn about statistic concepts like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, as well as probability and inferential statistics such as regression and correlation. If you studied any economics course in school, chances are you’re already familiar with these topics. However, this book is still a great tool if you need to refresh what you were taught before. It also teaches these statistic concepts in the way they relate to data science, so that’s more reason you might want to consider this book.
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists
The book “Practical Statistics for Data Scientists” does a great job of delivering this. As a beginner learning data science for the first time, you might appreciate the fact this book gives a proper overview of all the data science concepts. It should be noted that this book isn’t as detailed as others on this list, but it provides enough information on key concepts like sampling distribution, bias, and randomisation. To help you understand these data science concepts better, the book includes relevant examples as well.
Python Machine Learning By Example
This book is considered by some to be the best intro to starting machine learning from scratch. One of the reasons why is because of how detailed and interesting the book manages to be. To get you started, this book teaches you Python, the programming language, which will be needed when you start working on machine learning projects, and this book contains a few of these projects. One is the spam email classification project, which uses Bayes as well as other regression and classification algorithms. This book also includes the experiences of the author, so it’s definitely a great book to learn data science.
Pattern recognition and machine learning
One of the key appeals of the book is how well it manages to simplify machine learning irrespective of whether you are an undergraduate, a graduate, or even a masters’ or Ph.D. researcher. This book is just for you. Another amusing fact about this book is that if you have a Kindle subscription, you can actually have access to this book for free. This book approaches machine learning in a thorough and methodical fashion that leaves readers understanding tough concepts in machine learning. This book is used by most looking to get serious about machine learning, so you might appreciate this book.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists
Whether you are looking to learn data science for yourself or teach it to a non-technical friend, this book is just right for you. It does an excellent job of explaining key concepts in layman terms, and it provides enough detailed examples you might find yourself explaining key data science concepts yourself in no time. By the end of this book, you should be able to build machine learning models for your personal projects without having years of programming experience beforehand.
R for data science
R, like Python, is a great programming language that data scientists around the world use, and in this book, it is what you’re taught with. This book covers programming, statistics, and, most importantly, real-world data examples. You will learn just how messy it can be to get data and then process it. But you shouldn’t worry; throughout the book, you’ll be guided on carrying out these operations.
Python for data analysis
Data analysis is a key component of data science, and this book explains it in a very detailed manner. As the title implies, it teaches Python as the choice programming language to use. It is very beginner-friendly, so students will appreciate its numerous examples that focus on explaining the basics of data analysis. After a few days of reading this book, you will find yourself engaging in the real-world examples that will teach you the fundamentals in such as way that you can apply them in your own projects. This book contains a lot of useful resources you can use as you go through it, another reason to read this book.
Keep Calm and Read On
There are plenty of books you can delve into to research your favourite topics and learn from. Consider the ones on our list if you are curious about data science. Whether you are a data engineer or analyst, scientist or a team lead, member of a big or small company – these books share some valuable insights into the world of data science. Getting new skills can be fun and exciting when you find a good study guide, and a book can be a looking glass through which you re-discover your passion for learning.
Author BIO
Donald Fomby has spent the dread deal of his life writing articles and educating people on the web. His input into the online academic community is diverse and substantial. Currently he works at SupremeDissertations. Donald posts informative articles, guides, and book reviews, plus does academic writing. Besides, academia, his interests also include camping and travelling.