Become a speaker


Am I able to present at the Data Science Festival?

The Data Science Festival is made possible by people who give up their time to share their knowledge. If you’ve been working on an exciting data science, engineering or tech project that you think would benefit the community, then get in touch! We welcome every background, level and sector. The DSF is a safe space where every idea and every person is encouraged to come as they are and present to our growing community.

Do you have a great idea to share?

Are you pushing the boundaries of tech, recently completed a successful project, learned something the hard way, defined best practices, or innovating for the future? Can you tell it in a practical, no-nonsense, sales-free way? We’d love to hear it.

In particular, we’re looking for proposals covering the below topics, but in all honesty, if it’s interesting and relevant to the community, it’s in!

• Data science & advanced analytics
• Data engineering and architecture
• Data-driven business management
• Business case studies
• Real-time applications
• Sensors, IoT & the industrial internet
• Emerging technologies
• Big data platforms and applications
• Big data and the cloud
• Law, ethics, governance
• Platform security and cybersecurity
• Visualisation & user experience

Required information

Please fill out the application below which will include everything we need from you. We will send you an email once we receive this and usually try to set up a quick call to chat with you and learn more about your session. We will then recommend where the session can be featured and what the timeline is.

Proposals will be considered for the following types of presentations:

40 minute session – this is our standard time for online and in-person speaking slots

Tips for submitting a successful proposal

Help us understand why your presentation is the right one for Data Science Festival. Please keep in mind that this event is by and for professionals.

• Be authentic. Your peers need original ideas in real-world scenarios, relevant examples, and knowledge transfer. Not something they could learn from a book.
• Give your proposal a simple and straightforward title.
• Include as much detail about the presentation as possible.
• If you are proposing a panel, tell us who else would be on it.
• Keep proposals free of marketing and sales.
• Keep the audience in mind: they’re experienced, and already knowledgable.
• Limit the scope: be realistic about the material you can cover in the time allowed.
• Explain why people will want to attend and what they’ll take away from it.

Important dates

Our events for 2024 are finished. We are running two Festivals in 2025: Saturday, May 17th 2025, and our Autumn festival date is TBC, both at CodeNode in London, UK. These events are designed for UK-based attendees and speakers and will be in-person conferences. We also have options to speak virtually at a variety of events across the year. We hold our DSF Sandbox Sessions monthly, and we welcome applications for these events.

• Submissions for the DSF Game On event on May 17th 2025 (in person – London) are now open. The last day to apply is Friday, April 4th 2025.

• Submissions are open for DSF Sandbox Sessions 2025. Online and in-person options. They will remain open until November 2025.

Apply to speak

"*" indicates required fields

Please note that this will not be public or shared, it is for internal use only.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please put N/A if you are not part of a company.
Please put N/A if you are not part of a company.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 512 MB.
Have you spoken at any events before?*
Please feel free to provide any YouTube links here and/or let us know the type of audience you spoke in front of.
Please provide a session abstract of at least five detailed sentences. Clearly outline what attendees will learn, the key takeaways, and the value your session offers.
Session length*
This will be used for YouTube searches. For example, 'python', 'machine learning', 'career building'.
Session type*
These will be used by our host to kick-off the audience Q&A.
See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying.
See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying. See what our speakers are saying.