Title: Tracking the Data Revolution

Speaker: Tim Davies of Global Data Barometer

The Global Data Barometer is a critical new benchmark of data for the public good. The first edition of the study in 2021 will map data governance, capabilities, data availability, and the use and impact of data across more than 100 countries using an expert survey. Which countries have the infrastructure in place to allow data science to be both safe and transformative? And where are the gaps that need to be filled? What do data scientists need to understand before building a multi-country project? This talk will dig into the kinds of data the upcoming Barometer will provide, and will highlight opportunities to shape the study.

Title: Time to ACT: Using Data to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Students

Speaker: Chris Owen of Social Finance

Maximising Access to Education: Using Data to Understand Who’s at Risk of School Exclusions. In 2019, the Social Finance team undertook a qualitative and quantitative research piece, bringing together analysis that combined datasets from across schools, children’s social care, SEN, and indices of multiple deprivation alongside insights from interviews with schools, pupil referral units and a range of local authority services. Based on the findings we were able to make a number of recommendations to key agents of change including foundations, local authorities and national government about how best to tackle the issue of rising school exclusions. This talk will explore the potential of statutory datasets to be used more effectively to support vulnerable populations, by exploring this process in more detail.

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