Mohammed completed a PhD in materials science during which he filed a patent on novel toothpaste materials for treating tooth sensitivity. These novel materials are now being used in a commercial toothpaste and helped to form BioMin, a spin-off company. After his PhD, he worked as a Postdoc researcher at the University of Cambridge where he began the transition to the exciting world of data and AI! Prior to joining M&S, he worked at easyJet on a range of interesting projects that include optimising the airline’s network schedule, optimising the inventory of parts for aircraft maintenance as well as working on easyJet’s in-house revenue management system. He joined M&S at the beginning of 2021 and so far, he has worked on modelling demand transference between similar food products to reduce food waste and forecasting size ratios for our clothing business to optimise the allocation of sizes in stores and online. Outside of work, he is kept busy and entertained by his 2 kids and enjoys playing football and cycling.