As technical data specialists, engineers, scientists, and analysts look to create, nature, and supply information at an ever-growing pace it is becoming increasingly difficult to define the role of those that convey this to an audience. Our brains are divided into an analytical mindset and of course, a creative one. Dashboarding suites help to give us creative freedoms but are limited with parameters that make the consideration of the audience particularly difficult.
Elijah Meeks, the Chief Visualization Officer at Notable. Formerly Apple and Netflix wrote a critical blog posts on the current answer to this problem. The defined role of the data visualiser has never been more needed.
Elijah said,” Many of the most prominent manuals and maxims of data visualization were either created when it was only static figures accompanying text or assume it still is. But for companies to succeed with data visualization they are going to need to break out of that archaic view of data visualization and push for the adoption and spread of principles associated with art, design, and journalism.”
I have used a developed framework from the guys over on some of the UK’s biggest companies ranging from Microsoft, Aldi, Jet2, and Europcar with great feedback.
The aim of the talk is to break down the complex dashboard build process into digestible segments which are structured within the framework. Putting the audience first and creating a PERFECT dashboard every time. The key takeaways will be set around the 7 different elements:
People | Setting the business objectives.
Empathy | Understanding the needs of the audience.
Relevance | How is success defined within the business?
Format | How does the business digest information?
Elegant | The 2/20/200 principal, use of brand guidelines.
Context | Not a “one size fits all” template.
Text | How to define the visual language, and tones of voice.
With lots of practical tips along the way, on how to get the best from each partition.
“It is about People and a bit of Empathy, understanding the Relevance to the business, using the right Format to deliver an Elegant structure with meaningful Context and explanations via Text and colour.”
Technical level: Non-technical/soft skills