1st line of the technical support is frequently providing answers to FAQ and pre-assembled conversations for operators to follow. With the enhancements in A.I. and Machine Learning, how much of this task could be supported with the aid of software? While this raises many questions and challenges, the first would be how would software understand the intention of the user and hold a human-like conversation. Based on this particular use case, Barbara will demonstrate how to go from a new project to a chatbot handling technical support. The talk will present the building blocks of the system like receiving and sending messages, natural language processing and integrations with existing messaging platforms such as Telegram, Messenger or Skype.

The session will cover the following topics:

– The existing chatbot ecosystem

– Performing text analysis on user input

– Identifying the best response to the user

– Personalising the response based on who the user is

– Integrating the chatbot into applications and messaging platforms During this talk, the audience will gain knowledge of the components necessary to build chatbot based system, including natural language processing and messages handling.

The aim is that attendees will be able to go from never writing a chatbot, to building one which is capable of holding a conversation.

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