Shachar Meir has been a data leader for over 20 years, and have built data teams in different companies, from smaller startups (Pontis, WorldRemit) to larger corporates (PayPal, Meta). At Meta Shachar was a Data Engineering Director, and has grown the London site from 4 DEs to more than 200 at the peak.
Today, as an advisor, Shachar helps many companies across the industry build their data teams.
In this session, Shachar will share some tips and tricks from behind the scenes of the data job interviews.
The session will cover practical examples, and DOs and DON’Ts that can help any data practitioner achieve win the data interviews.
The topics will include:
1. Preparing and building your profile
2. What you need to know about working with recruiters
3. What is an interview? how do we run interviews, and what is the outcome we are looking for?
4. Good and bad behaviours in interviews
5. Post interview – job offer and discussions
Technical Level: Non-technical/soft skills