Title: Using Data to Benefit the Environment

Speaker: Lubomila Jordanova of PlanA.Earth Abstract: Data about our way of living, consuming, and producing is widely available and piling up. But are we making the most of it to make the best decisions not only for us but for our planet? Lubomila from Plan A will tell the story of our world of data, and how by adding environmental lenses to the analysis of this data, you can start seeing clear signs for where and how we should act to address climate change.

Title: Neurorehabilitation Programmes in VR

Speaker: Isabel Van De Keere of Immersive Rehab Abstract: Transforming and improving neurorehabilitation services with digital therapeutic virtual reality programs. Immersive Rehab provides a personalised, engaging and clinically validated digital therapeutics solution in virtual reality to tackle the current limitations of neurorehabilitation, in particular for people with significant upper limb mobility limitations as a result of stroke, multiple sclerosis, ALS and spinal injury. Research has shown that retraining the brain can lead to important gains in mobility. By combining physical rehab with cognitive challenges, it is possible to obtain important gains in mobility and function. We propose that Immersive Rehab’s digital therapeutics neurorehabilitation solution can impact this significantly.

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