Anna Berti Suman is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. She is principal researcher of the project “Sensing for Justice” aimed at exploring the potential of civic monitoring as a source of evidence for environmental litigation and as a tool to foster environmental mediation. She is Qualified Barrister under the Bar of Rome, following cases at the Law Firm Dini-Saltalamacchia and at ‘Systasis – Study Centre for the Prevention and Management of Environmental Conflicts’, Milan. Anna obtained her PhD in 2020 after a four-years trajectory at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, The Netherlands. Her PhD project aimed at investigating how civic monitoring influences the governance of environmental health risk and how the practice can be integrated with institutional models of risk governance. Anna has a background in Law from the University of Bologna and Transnational Law from the University of Geneva. She has work and research experience in health law and technology (UK), Environmental Litigation (Italy, The Netherlands, Ecuador) and Water Law (Chile).